Len Peralta

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Len Peralta, simply known as Len to the JoCo world, is an illustrator who has contributed several major fan projects: his Visual Thing A Week, or "VTAW", gave an image to each Thing a Week release. He also created Jo-Color-It!, the Official Jonathan Coulton Coloring and Activity Book.

Len has created other pieces of art for JoCo, many of which show up on at shows and on the website. Len designed the "Visit Beautiful SkullCrusher Mountain" T-shirt, the original "Blue Code Monkey" shirt, and the "Cute Code Monkey" which appears as an icon on JoCo's Robots, Monkey and Bananas contribution section.

Len has a special section on his Zazzle store that sells Coulton related material. A portion of the profits go directly to JoCo.

Apart from his work with Coulton, Len also hosts Jawbone Radio, a weekly podcast, with co-host Nora. Jonathan had regular appearances on the podcast for a period of time, and also immortalised Len and Nora in his "Podsafe Christmas Song".

External links[edit]

  • Len's podcast can be found here.
  • Purchase Jo-Color-It! here and the VTAW book here.