Northampton, MA: 2008-04-03

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Northampton, MA[edit]


  1. The Future Soon - video
  2. Ikea - video
  3. Skullcrusher Mountain- video
  4. I'm Your Moon - video
  5. Baby Got Back (with Paul and Storm) - video
  6. Code Monkey (with Paul and Storm) - video video 2
  7. Creepy Doll (with Paul and Storm) - video
  8. I Feel Fantastic (with Paul and Storm) - video video 2
  9. Mr. Fancy Pants (with ZenDrum) - video video 2
  10. Still Alive - video
  11. Roughly two lines of Livin' on a Prayer (by request)
  12. Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance (by request) - video
  13. Drinking With You (by request) - video
  14. Re: Your Brains - video
  1. First of May - video
  2. Sweet Caroline - video


  • Playlist of video (including conversation between songs) here.