Manchester, UK: 2008-10-29

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So I won't forget, the code for the link for the left (a wenkeed project?) /html/USERNAME/ [?arg=val&arg=val....]or/html/USERNAME/TAGNAME [?arg=val&arg=val....] &count default=15 number of items to show &extended default="title" either "title" or "body" &divclass default="delPost" class to use for div &aclass default="delLink" class to use for link &tags default="yes" show tags or not, either "yes" or "no" &tagclass default="delTag" class to use for tags &tagsep default="/" string to use for separator &tagsepclass default="delTagSep" class to use for separator &bullet default="raquo" html entity to use for bullet, set it to empty to delete &rssbutton default="yes" add an RSS feed button (using CSS) &extendeddiv default="no" extended entry in its own div &extendedclass default="" class to use for extenddeddiv