
From JoCopedia
Revision as of 21:44, 25 March 2008 by Bry (talk | contribs) (On Mason's advice, changed official-link wording)
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Params are as follows:

  • img = name of Len or other image representing the song. Will be resized to 150 pixels width. Use the image name, eg ShopVac.jpg, NOT the image command eg Image:ShopVac.jpg.
    • This param is no longer necessary, but is recommended.
  • songname = name of song (deprecated param)
  • albumname = album
  • trackno = track number on album - preface with 0 if the tracks run into double digits, to preserve order in the category
  • length = length in format mm:ss
  • release = release date of the song, preferably in the format mm-dd-yyyy (to keep our American friends happy)
    • Not a mandatory param.
  • songlink = link to song page on jonathancoulton.com, eg Shop%20Vac (NOT the full URL eg http://www.jonathancoulton.com/songdetails/Shop%20Vac) Be sure NOT to include any spaces in songlink, use %20 as shown instead!
    • Note that for songs which do not appear on jonathancoulton.com, the link is no longer necessary.
  • bloglink = link to the blog entry regarding this song, in the format 2005/10/07/thing-a-week-4-shop-vac/ ie leaving off the jonathancoulton.com domain.
    • This param is not necessary, and may be removed if it's considered to be against the interests of the community.