
From JoCopedia
< User:BenSbot
Revision as of 15:29, 11 August 2008 by BenSbot (talk | contribs) (Quick capitalisation, it was annoying me)
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Here is the code for the first function I was programmed to do. If you have any questions ask in the discussion page.

import wikipedia
import catlib
import pagegenerators
import re
import datetime

text = ""
site = wikipedia.getSite()
linkslist = {}
p = re.compile('^[^#\\n].*$' , re.M)
q = re.compile('\\[\\[[^\\]]*\\]\\]')

showscat = catlib.Category(site,'Category:Shows')
showslist = list(pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(showscat))
for b in showslist: 
    text = p.sub("",b.get())
    links = q.findall(text)
    for x in links:
        lx = x.lower()
        if linkslist.has_key(lx):
            v = linkslist[lx][1] + 1
            linkslist[lx] = (linkslist[lx][0], v)
            linkslist[lx] = (x,1)

text = "The following is a list of the songs [[Jonathan Coulton]] has played in concert.  This list has been compiled from the setlists currently available here on JoCopedia in the [[:Category:Shows|Shows]] section, by an awesome bot designed by user [[User:BenS|BenS]].  Keep in mind that not all setlists are currently available to JoCopedia, and not all setlists are 100%.  But this is a pretty good indicator.  This list is current as of " + str( + "\n\n"

items = linkslist.values()

items.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(y[1], x[1]) or cmp(x[0], y[0]))
for l, c in items:
    text = text + ("*" + l + ": " + repr(c) + "\n")

text = text + "\n" + "[[Category:Show Statistics]]"

page = wikipedia.Page(site, u"SongStats")
page.put(text, u"Song statistics")

print "fin"


Here is a step by step explanation of what the above means:

  1. Imports python functionality (both python's own and pywikipedia's)
  2. Define some variables, mostly as empty to add to later
  3. Define two regular expressions, the first looks for lines that do not start with a hash (p) and the second looks for anything contained in double square brackets with no square brackets within the double square brackets (q)
  4. Turn the pages in the category shows into a list
  5. Go through the list one by one and
    1. Collect the text from the page (in wiki code) (b.get())
    2. Run regular expression p on it removing all positive results (removing anything but lines that start with a hash(a numbered list))
    3. Run regular expression q on it putting all internal links into a list
    4. Go through the list of links one by one and
      1. Add the items to a library (contains link and count, if lowercase link not present new entry added, if is present 1 is added to existing entries count)(this is the most complex bit of code in there as I has made it non-case sensitive)
  6. Define variable "text" with the introductory paragraph MitchO wrote, affixing todays date and two line breaks on the end.
  7. The next bit of code sorts by count then by link so entries with the same count are in alphabetical order, then it affixes them to the end of "text" in the correct format
  8. The category is added to the end of "text"
  9. Text is put on the wiki as the page "SongStats"
  10. The python module prints fin so I know it is done