User talk:Wilsongarden

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It is easy to burn the leaves under strong light exposure, resulting in yellowing of the leaves. The plant should be moved to the astigmatism as soon as possible, and more ventilation and cooling treatment should be carried out. It may also be low temperature frostbite. Celery itself is not cold resistant. If the temperature is too low, it is easy to frostbite the plant. Cut a healthy Mint branch and cut off all the leaves at the bottom, leaving only the top 4 to 5 leaves, so as to reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption.

Finally, the branches are directly inserted into the water, but the water needs to be changed frequently after cutting. Generally, the water can be changed every 2 to 3 days. The water shall be changed as soon as possible and the container shall be cleaned. If it is placed in a cool environment for a long time, the plant is prone to yellow leaf disease, and the leaves turn yellow and fall in large quantities. It should be moved to the light as soon as possible and let it bask more in the sun, but pay attention not to be exposed to the sun.

The size of the plastic plant pots should be appropriate. When changing the flowerpot, the flowerpot should be selected according to the size of the flower root width. It is more appropriate that the diameter of the flowerpot is 3 ~ 6cm larger than the diameter of the root width. The flowerpot can also be selected according to the crown size of flowers and trees. It is more suitable that the crown diameter of flowers and trees is 20 ~ 40 cm larger than the diameter of flowerpot. Some people like to raise small flowers in large pots. They think that planting small flowers in large pots can make them grow freely and avoid the trouble of changing pots.

In fact, this is very unfavorable to the growth of flowers. Small flowers need less fertilizer and water, while large pots and more soil are often difficult to master the amount of water and fertilizer, which affects the normal growth of flowers. Before changing the basin, the new basin shall be dried, the old basin shall be sterilized, and the new basin shall be replaced. Before planting flowers, it shall be soaked in clean water for one day and night, brushed and dried, and then used to remove its dryness. It is suggested to change the water treatment, reduce the amount of fertilizer in the later stage, and apply less fertilizer.

Although it likes light, if it is placed in strong direct light, its leaves are easy to be burned and turn yellow. The plant should be moved to a half shade place, and watered frequently for ventilation to recover as soon as possible. There may be too much water. After winter, the growth of Yulan will stop. During this period, watering needs to be stopped. If you want Yulan to continue to bloom, you need to increase the number of watering times to store enough water for flowering in the coming year.

Hydroponic plants change water. Only changing water can ensure the cleanness and sanitation of water quality. It is generally recommended to change water every 3 ~ 4 days. When cultivating hydroponic plants, transparent glass vase shall be selected as the cultivation container, and two-thirds or one-third of the rhizome shall be exposed to the air. In the process of hydroponic plants, it is also necessary to add sufficient nutrient solution into the water to promote plant rooting and growth.

Hydroponic plants change water. Hydroponic plants change water. Hydroponic plants have a high demand for water quality during their growth. They need to ensure that the water quality is clean and hygienic. Simply adding water cannot ensure that the water quality is clean and hygienic. They need to change water every 3-4 days to keep the water quality clean. Pure water or well water should be selected when changing water. It may also be excessive fertilization, which is easy to burn roots, thus affecting growth and causing leaves to fall.

If you want to keep Yulan blooming, you need to increase the amount of watering and apply diluted organic fertilizer every half a month to supplement nutrition. The dormancy period of Yucca is from October to march of the next year. The dormancy period of Yucca is from October to march of the next year. It is native to tropical America. The plant height is between 15 ~ 30 cm. The adult plants are clustered, and the leaves are linear, like leek. When cultivating hydroponic bell trees, it is also necessary to ensure the suitability of the environment.

Method of hydroponic cultivation of hanging bell tree when hydroponic cultivation of hanging bell tree, it is necessary to prepare sterilized sharp scissors and trim the withered and yellow branches and leaves and rotten roots on the hanging bell tree to reduce nutrient consumption. If the light is insufficient, move to the astigmatism and get more sun. During hydroponic culture, it should be placed in a place with bright light. When changing water for it, the dirt in the container should be cleaned to avoid endangering the growth of roots.

When hydroponically culturing the hanging bell tree, the appropriate vase shall be selected according to the size of the hanging bell tree, and then the vase shall be cleaned and disinfected to reduce the breeding of bacteria. Then you can put the bell tree into the vase and pour half of the water into it, so that the bell tree can grow vigorously. If the light is insufficient and photosynthesis cannot be carried out, the leaves will naturally turn yellow, and the leaves can be recovered slowly by increasing the light.

Daily maintenance can be carried out by placing the hanging bell tree in a ventilated and astigmatic place, so that the hanging bell tree can grow vigorously. During the growth of hydroponic bell trees, the requirements for water quality are high. In the process of hydroponic bell trees, it is necessary to replace the clean water once a week to avoid the turbidity and yellowing of water quality. In addition, when changing the water for the hanging bell tree, it is necessary to use mineral water or river water with rich nutrition and no pollution. The tap water can also be used after drying for 1 ~ 2 days.

The flower type of rain orchid is pink or peach red, and the petals are slightly curved and drooping. The flowering period is from April to September every year, with 6 petals. The dormancy period of Yucca lies in the season of alternating winter and spring. After the temperature drops in late autumn, it needs to be transferred to indoor maintenance in time, and the room temperature should be stabilized at 15 ~ 25 ℃. It can also be transferred to outdoor maintenance in the morning of sunny day, and the light will be given after the whole day, so as to open more bright flowers.

Maintenance method of hydroponic plants when culturing hydroponic plants, it is necessary to choose a transparent glass vase as the cultivation container, which can ensure that the plants have strong ornamental, and the changes of water quality and the growth of rhizomes can be observed through the vase. As long as it is a simple container, you can use it as much as you can, such as a bottle of wine and a cup of tea.

Unclean water quality may also lead to black and dry mint leaves. It is necessary to change the water frequently. Change the water every 3 ~ 4 days to ensure that the water quality is clean and avoid excessive reproduction of microorganisms. Pay attention to cleaning the container every time you change the water to avoid residual dirt on the container and polluting the changed water(seedling trays). Peppermint hydroponics needs to strictly control the fertilizer concentration and adhere to the principle of prefer thin rather than thick. Only 5 ~ 6 drops of nutrient solution are needed after each water change.

The roots of hydroponic peppermint are in direct contact with the solution and are very sensitive to the ion concentration. If the concentration is a little higher, root burning will occur. The selection of Cyclamen should be based on 1-3-year-old healthy, robust and budding Cyclamen plants. It is best to use the best that has been cultivated in soilless culture matrix (perlite, vermiculite, sawdust and other matrix), so that Cyclamen will not hurt roots, slow seedlings and adapt faster after changing the environment.

The basic principle of container selection is that its size, height and color should be consistent with Cyclamen plants, highlighting the exquisite, crystal and elegant charm of aquatic Cyclamen. According to the time and method of hydroponics, the flowering period of Cyclamen is usually from October to June of the second year. It is decided that the best time for hydroponics of Cyclamen is from September to April of the second year, slightly 1-2 months ahead of the flowering period.